Tec Gas Blender

This course teaches you how to blend enriched air nitrox and helium-based gases using one or more blending methods.

Tec Deep

Tec Deep Certificate is a package of the Tec 40, Tec 45 and Tec 50 Certificates.

Tec 50

Part 3 of the full PADI Tec Deep Diver program. Develop competency & have the skills to dive to a max of 50 metres/165 ft.

Tec 45

Part 2 of the PADI Tec Deep Diver program. Extend your depth limit to 45 metres/145 ft.

Tec 40

Consists of three knowledge development sections, three practical application sessions and four training dives.

Discover Tec

This short course is designed to let divers experience technical diving in confined water. Get introduced a few basic skills and procedures.